About Us
Retailers, financial institutions, and other businesses are looking to maximize their investments in e-commerce and customer relationship management (CRM) and bring these critical assets closer to their target audience through the storefront, branch office or other public space.

A recent report published by Jupiter Media Matrix ("KIOSKS, Empowering Customers to Close the Sale") projects that kiosk usage will influence $8 billion in off-line sales in 2001, and estimates that this revenue will grow almost 10-fold in five years. The report also discusses how web-based kiosk implementations can address real problems that retailers face everyday, Šnot the least of which is "high turnover rates among sales staff, lack of physical space for inventory, and/or extensive transaction queues."

iCatcher Network, Inc. (iCatcher) provides turnkey solutions to develop, monitor, maintain, update and analyze web-based kiosk networks for maximum reliability and security, enabling companies maximum return on investment as part of their multi-channel marketing and CRM strategy. iCatcher develops and markets leading-edge technologies and innovative software products that allow companies to manage high volumes of self-service customer transactions and increase opportunities for multi-channel sales activity. iCatcher's patent-pending technology delivers web-based content, services and applications to a broad range of customer-activated devices including not only kiosks, but also managed PCs and ATMs.

 for more information, please contact info@icatchernetwork.com